February 3: National Museum of African American History and Culture Book Signing (Washington, DC)
February 3: National Museum of African American History and Culture Book Signing (Washington, DC)
February 3: National Museum of African American History and Culture Book Signing (Washington, DC)
February 10: Columbia Alumni Association’s “She Opened the Door” Women’s Conference (New York, NY)
February 22: Book Signing & Talk – All about Madam C. J. Walker Indianapolis Public Library (Indianapolis)
February 23: Book Signing with Rochelle Riley – The Burden: African Americans & the Enduring Impact of Slavery Indpls Public Library (Indianapolis)
March 15: “Women’s Suffrage and the Vote: Funding Feminism” (video link) at the National Archives (Washington, DC)
March 19: “The Emancipation Proclamation and the End of Slavery” (video link) at the National Archives (Washington, DC)
March 27: “Black Dynasties and the Struggle for Racial Equality” at NYU’s Arthur Carter Journalism Institute (New York)
April 6: San Francisco/Bay Area National Coalition of 100 Black Women/Madam Walker Empowerment Luncheon (San Francisco)
April 13: (Cambridge, MA)
April 14: The Pierians (Baltimore, MD)