February 20: “Giving Back: The Soul of Philanthropy Reframed and Exhibited” (Johnson C. Smith University/Charlotte, NC)
February 20: “Giving Back: The Soul of Philanthropy Reframed and Exhibited” (Johnson C. Smith University/Charlotte, NC)
February 20: “Giving Back: The Soul of Philanthropy Reframed and Exhibited” (Johnson C. Smith University/Charlotte, NC)
February 24: Rosenwald Schools Lunchtime Talk with Filmmaker Aviva Kempner (Library of Congress/Washington, DC)
February 28: ASALH Centennial Celebration Luncheon (Wardman Marriott/Washington, DC)
March 29: Toledo-Lucas County Public Library (McMaster Center-Main Library/Toledo, OH)
April 11: Metropolitan Links Young Black Writers Awards Ceremony (Washington, DC)
April 14: A Conversation with Miss Jessie’s co-founder Miko Branch (Barnes & Noble/New York)
May 20: Leadership: A Conversation with Congressman John Lewis (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency/Washington, DC)
June 17: Hurston/Wright Foundation’s Juneteenth Celebration (Eatonville Restaurant/Washington, DC)
July 1: A Conversation with Author Pamela Newkirk about Newkirk’s new book, Spectacle: The Astonishing Life of Ota Benga (Busboys & Poets /Washington, DC)
July 11: Idlewild Music Fest Women’s Empowerment Luncheon (Idlewild, MI)