February 8: “Black History Month Family Night” Zion Baptist Church/ Washington, DC
February 8: “Black History Month Family Night” Zion Baptist Church/ Washington, DC
February 8: “Black History Month Family Night” Zion Baptist Church/ Washington, DC
February 18: “Emancipation/March on Washington”/Northern Virginia Comm College/Alexandria, VA
February 21: Columbia University Black Alumni Council Heritage Award Columbia Club/New York, NY
February 23: “Descendants of the Struggle” Panel W.E.B. DuBois Conference Clark Atlanta University/Washington, DC
March 2: Jackie Robinson Foundation Annual Scholars ‘ Mentoring and Leadership Conference Grand Hyatt/New York, NY
May 18: “The Challenge and the Call: Writing African American Biography” Panel at BIO-Compleat Biographer Conference Roosevelt Hotel/New York, NY
July 6: Smithsonian Folklife Festival: The Will to Adorn/Washington, DC
July 28: Jeffrey Slavin Tea/Chevy Chase, MD
August 2: At the Well/Princeton, NJ
August 14: National Guard Readiness Center/Alexandria, VA