Videoconference with Latvian women entrepreneurs at the U. S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia
February 23: Videoconference with Latvian women entrepreneurs at the U. S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia
February 23: Videoconference with Latvian women entrepreneurs at the U. S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia
February 25: Ft. Meade, Maryland Black History Month Luncheon
March 1: IUPUI Women’s History Month Lecture Click here for IUPUI TV interview with A’Lelia (start at 1:35)
March 3: Northern Virginia Community College/Alexandria, VA
March 17: Health and Human Services/HRSA/Rockville, MD
March 18: Bennett College for Women/Greensboro, NC
March 19: National League of American Pen Women/Washington, DC
March 22: University of Maryland/College Park, MDMarch 23: Montgomery Public Library
March 24: National Women’s History Project 30th Anniversary/NEA/Washington, DC
March 30: University of North Texas/Denton, TX