Febuary 16: Duke Ellington’s “Queenie Pie” Panel Discussion/Newberry Library/Chicago, IL
Febuary 16: Duke Ellington’s “Queenie Pie” Panel Discussion/Newberry Library/Chicago, IL
Febuary 16: Duke Ellington’s “Queenie Pie” Panel Discussion/Newberry Library/Chicago, IL
Feburary 27: Sonya Clark’s Hair Craft Project/Richmond, VA
May 4: Portsmouth Black Heritage Trail Spring Symposium/Portsmouth, NH
June 8: Washington Independent Review of Books Biography Panel/Washington, DC
January 14: CNN Black in America Panel “The New Promised Land: Silicon Valley” with Navarrow Wright/Alexandria, VA
February 16: Department of the Treasury’s Black History Month Speech/Washington, DC
July 4: National Archives Fourth of July Celebration Keynote/Wash, DC (Also Archives Blog)
March 20: San Francisco Bay Area National Coalition of 100 Black Women
May 27: N Street Village Luncheon
January 27: Walker’s Legacy (DC Commission for Women) A’Lelia, Natalie Cofield and Clara Villarosa