“Your First Duty Is to Humanity”
Annual Derrick Bell Lecture (in person), University of Oregon Law School
Annual Derrick Bell Lecture (in person), University of Oregon Law School
Villa Lewaro Virtual Tour Virtual: www.xandr.com
The Women’s Club of Richmond (in person) https://twcrichmond.org/
Virtual: https://community.afpglobal.org/afpnewjerseychapter/home
Virtual https://womenwritingwomenslives.org3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.New York (Rainbow Room) https://www.preservenys.org/calendar/2022-pillar-of-new-york-awards
(in person) – Indianapolishttps://www.vonnegutlibrary.org/